ТЕМА: Home Sweet Home

Английский язык

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Home sweet home

Everybody understands this word ‘house’ in own way. For one person house it is the cozy apartment, for another it is the favorite city, and someone perceives the whole country is the house. First of all, as the house, I think, it is the place in which the person feels safe where it is quiet and cozy. The house is a place where their lives the family, small or big where children's voices are distributed. Friends come together in the house it is cheerful and noisy to celebrate a birthday or some holiday. The house in which I live is very beautiful and light quietly and around reigns in it the special inexpressible atmosphere. Walls in the bedroom of parents are decorated with photos in which we the sister still tots run on a green clearing and we go to the first class. In kitchen and in the hall everything is arranged flowers, they are everywhere both on window sills and on supports along walls and soar in air, holding thin ropes, create the atmosphere of tranquility an...

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Центр профессиональной помощи студентам "ДипломНаука" был создан для оказания качественных услуг для помощи студентам. Команда профессиональных авторов поможет написать дипломную, контрольную или курсовую на заказ любой сложности, а также поможет с разработкой плана, подготовит вас к защите дипломного проекта.

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